Static Resources

Static resources are resources not assigned to a path network and therefore do not visibly move. A static resource may be needed to perform an operation at only one location, such as an inspection operator, and will appear during the entire simulation in the same place it was defined graphically. Although a static resource is stationary and does not visibly move between locations, it may be used at more than one location or to move entities between locations.

How to define a static resource:

1. Select Resources from the Build menu. This automatically brings up the Resources edit table and the Resource Graphics window, used together to define all resources in the model.

2. Choose a graphic icon for the resource from the Resource Graphics window.

3. Select the Add button in the Resource Graphics window.

4. Click on the layout at the desired position of the resource graphic.

5. Add additional resource graphics for the same resource if desired. Every time a resource graphic is placed on the layout for the same resource in the edit table, a new resource point is created.

6. Supply any optional information about the resource, such as downtimes.

Please note

Static resources notes:

1. When defining the static resource specifications, the default for Resource Search is Least Utilized. The default for Entity Search is Longest Waiting. You may only specify Pick-up and Deposit Time in the Motion box.

2. There is not a status light for a static resource; however, a second and third graphic may be defined for use when the resource is busy or down, respectively. If no second and third graphic are defined, the resource graphic changes color to green when in use and red when down.